There aren’t many times that I’d seriously consider buying a set of wheels and building a car around them, but this may be one of those times. One of the best looking wheel designs in Volkswagen history was certainly when they handed the reigns over to Speedline to make the Corrado VR6 wheels. Unlike the typical BBS mesh wheels we had gotten on performance Volkswagens for some time, Speedline made a race-inspired chunky 5 spoke that was just perfect. Every time I see a Corrado, like yesterday’s Supercharged VR6 Corrado, I always miss the Speedline wheels when they’ve been replaced. Of course, they were only 15″ wheels, and the Corrado does look better with slightly larger designs. Some enterprising individuals therefore took it upon themselves to commission Speedline to do a special build of a 17″ version of the Corrado wheels. Sound crazy? Crazy wonderful!