Update 12.6.2011: Back on eBay, links updated. Previously listed in November. -dc The Hartge wheels on a local 325is caught my eye, and while I’m…
3 Comments722 search results for "e30 m3"
As a former owner of a 1988 325is, you’ll find me preaching the E30 gospel often. While the original M3 has reached cult status in…
3 CommentsThe other day I was driving next to an older woman in a light blue E30 325i. I glanced at it, ready to move on…
2 CommentsI’ve never understood why the word hatchback is a dirty word in the United States. Having grown up in a family that drove a 1983…
5 CommentsI can’t fully explain my recent E28 fascination. Maybe it’s maturing, maybe it’s just an evolution, but my E30 lust is firmly in 2nd place.…
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