If you’re looking to conserve fuel, there’s a few ways you can go about it. There will, however, always be limitations to just how green you can be. If you go the hybrid route, you’ll see your gas mileage increase, but in actuality, you’ll still have to fill up with petrol and have a battery replacement years down the line that you’ll have to deal with. What about electric vehicles then? Many of these vehicles have come a long way in terms of range, but you’re still getting your juice from via a plug, which more often than not means energy derived from coal. But what about that old standby, diesel? Sure, it has a bad image in the US from the vehicles we experienced in the 1970s and 1980s. But Mercedes-Benz has stuck by this technology for years and their diesels of today are some of the most advanced on the market.
This 1982 300SD for sale in Ohio couldn’t exactly be considered one of their earlier efforts, as their dabbling with diesel technology dates back to the 1930s. But this W126 was one of those cars that was sold here in this market as we were emerging from the dark days of the 1970s energy crisis. With the tried and trusted OM617 inline-5 cylinder turbodiesel under the hood, you are getting W123 reliability in a larger, more stately package. The ultimate sleeper when it comes to fuel conservation, then?