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1967 Mercedes-Benz 600 SWB

$_4 (1)

For a car manufacturer with a history spanning over 100 years, it’s fairly impressive that historians and enthusiasts still regard the 600 as one of the most notable models from Mercedes-Benz. This was a landmark vehicle not just for the company but the whole automotive scene. It was one of the most expensive and complex vehicles of its day and as such, anyone who was anyone seemed to own one, from movie stars to dictators. These cars are highly valued today and many that come up for sale have been treated to lavish restorations costing thousands of dollars. This 600 SWB for sale in Illinois, however, is a driver quality car, showing the wrinkles of age as it closes in on 200,000 miles. But it wears its patina in a dignified manner in which only a Grosser Mercedes can.

Click for details: 1967 Mercedes-Benz 600 on eBay


1970 Mercedes 600 SWB only 46,000 miles

1970 Mercedes 600 SWB

Elaine from Seinfeld once got into a discussion about grace and how you can’t have a little grace and you can’t acquire grace, you either have it or you don’t. This car has grace and class in spades. The 600 is such a cool car. It is one of those vehicles where you’ll have just as much fun driving it as you will sitting in the back.

CLICK FOR DETAILS: 1970 Mercedes 600 SWB on eBay

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