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946 search results for "bmw e30"

High mileage BMW E30s: 325is vs. 325es

$_57 (4)

A new hunt of mine is finding affordable E30s with solid potential. The cleanest of the quintessential sports sedan have become quite valuable, but there are still some reasonable examples lurking out there. The “s” models, in both “eta” and standard “i” form, provide outstanding handling with varying levels of power. One path for finding inexpensive classics is being open to high-mileage survivors, of which we have two today. Both have well above 200k miles and the “s” package, but one has the venerable 2.5 liter inline-6 while the other comes with the larger-and-slower 2.7l of the 325e. E30s are ripe for many engine swaps, from stock to extreme, so buying a low-price, high-mileage example provides a great foundation for a project.

Click for details: 1990 BMW 325is on eBay

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1991 BMW E30 Touring w/ M3 Conversion


DISCLAIMER: This M3 has caused a lot of commentary today, both on the site and our Facebook page. You can read the build thread here, if curious and make your own conclusions. As always, the cars featured here on GCFSB are not our own, rather, we provide a forum for enthusiasts selling their German vehicles. We try to be as fair as we can in our posts and provide as much background information as possible.


Well, close the search engines: I think I just found my dream car. I don’t know who will buy this off eBay, because I certainly don’t have the cash right now, but this is the direction I want to go some day. An E30 Touring has been through a thorough transformation, now sporting E30 M3 fender flares and the S50, Estoril blue, and caramel interior from an E36 M3. That’s a pretty serious combination of BMW all-stars. The conversion looks well done and cost-is-no-object, which is great in terms of overall package but tough on the wallet. The asking price is the main detraction here unless you care about E30 M3 provenance, in which case your panties are in all probability already in a tight bunch. But unlike the M3 convertible conversions, which are imitations of a rare-but-real car, there was no M3 wagon. This makes this extra awesome, irreverent, and understandable to me.

This is my favorite eBay find in a long time. I covet this car.

CLICK FOR DETAILS: 1991 BMW E30 Touring converted to M3


Afternoon Accessories: BMW E30 M-Technik Steering Wheel

Great classic style doesn’t always have to cost a lot, and there are some nice details that you can add to your car that both freshen and improve the look. While some of those parts come from aftermarket sources I always like to look at what came from the factory. For your BMW, there were some great wheels available, such as this M-Technik wheel on Ebay today:

Model: E30 M-Technik
Condition: Used
Price: $183.58 Buy It Now

CLICK FOR DETAILS: E30 M-Technik Wheel on eBay

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