Seeing the RUF CTR2 in a Road & Track high-speed shootout in middle school ushered in a new era in my car appreciation – the…
8 CommentsAuthor: Nate
As summer starts to wind down, so does my summer work, and I am struggling with the temptation to use my compensation to help buy…
2 CommentsI haven’t written up (or lusted after) a Corrado in a while, but that just changed. Many thanks to reader/seller Wes for sending in his…
1 CommentIt’s always fun to see crazy-rare versions of ubiquitous cars like the 3-series, especially when they look as good as the Hartge H23. Hartge, like…
4 CommentsHere’s a model we haven’t posted too many of. It’s no speed-demon, but the 4000S is a handsome sedan full of 80s style. Family-owned since…