Earlier this week, I checked out one of the nicest W126s I’ve seen in a while with a 1987 560SEL. Today, we have another 1987 560, although this one is the brother car, the SEC. These big body coupes have been shooting up in value of late, but they are still well within reasonable range to grab at a decent price if you wish. Of course, color and condition are the biggest factor in what these sell for, but if you can find one that is well looked after and doesn’t carry a crazy price tag, then it is not a bad way to spend your money. If you are lucky enough to run across an example as nice as this C126 for sale in California, then I wouldn’t sleep on it at all.
We have 15 years of archives. Links older than a year may have been updated to point to similar cars available to bid on eBay.Tag: 040U
The final year of 1999 for the W140 Mercedes-Benz is one of those “hindsight is 20/20” things. At the time, no one probably had any…
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