Back in September 2021 I took a look at a 1983 Quattro. It’s back again looking a bit more stock and now with a $82,500 asking price on eBay. For those counting, that’s $33k more than a few years ago.
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Back in September 2021 I took a look at a 1983 Quattro. It’s back again looking a bit more stock and now with a $82,500 asking price on eBay. For those counting, that’s $33k more than a few years ago.
Everyone talks a good game, but let’s be honest – few undertake the heavy lifting involved with a project car. I’ve certainly been guilty of it more than once, having had a Coupe GT racecar that I just couldn’t quite come up with the resources to get together. Then I was going to drop my spare Audi 4.2 V8 into a derelict 924 chassis that was kicking around. I still think that’s a good idea, but it has not occurred. And I’m not alone, judging by how often ‘project’ cars come up for sale.
One of the more prevalent dreams in the Audi swaps is to recreate what Europeans had the advantage of all along – 20V turbo power in the small chassis. While most take the Coupe Quattro route for their swap, some go the unusual route of choosing an 80 or 90 quattro. They’re not as popular for a few reasons – mostly, the sedan platform doesn’t look as neat to some, but another reason is that tire size is more limited on the sedan. But let’s not forget that Audi built about 300 S2 sedans themselves, so it’s not without precedent.
Today’s car has taken inspiration from that and done the heavy lifting for your project already. So is it the car for you?