I’ve featured quite a number of BMWs over the past week, but none of which are quite as impressive and imposing as this 2001 750iL with an incredibly low 12,000 miles on the odometer. This final year V12 powered E38 is, for the, the stuff dreams are made of. BMW nailed it with the styling on this executive express, made even more attractive with the Style 37 M Parallel wheels. This car also has a bit of celebrity status attached to it, having been owned by the singer Steve Perry since new. Still lamenting the direction 7 series styling has gone in the last 15 years? Here’s another chance to own an almost new E38.
CLICK FOR DETAILS: 2001 BMW 750iL on eBay
Year: 2001
Model: 750iL
Engine: 5.4 liter V12
Transmission: 5-speed automatic
Mileage: 12,180 mi
Price: $46,900 Buy It Now
WOW!!! Can you believe this car? This BMW 750iL has been stored in Steve Perry’s (former singer of the band Journey) private collection warehouse since he first purchased it new in 2001! Clad in the number one color combination of black on black including the sports seats option with just over 12k miles on the odometer with original Motorola Startac phone housed in the center console including electric rear window shades. This BMW flagship 12 cylinder cruiser is a pristine time capsule and has been stored in Steve’s private car museum since he bought it off the showroom floor. Please call more information on this exquisite automobile or to schedule a viewing today before this one is gone.
According to the E38 registry, only 729 examples of the 750iL were produced for the final model year of this beloved 7er. I can’t remember spotting a 2001 E38, regardless of model, on sale for this much coin. While celebrity status does inflate values a bit, I’m thinking in this case that premium would be rather negligible, save for the most dedicated of Journey fans. At the end of 2013, we saw a similar, low mileage 2001 750iL bring just over $20,000. Has the price more than doubled on these big BMWs in two and a half years? Hard to say. But there are only so many 2001 E38s, and fewer V12s, especially with this kind of mileage. I think as time goes on, we’ll see the E38 as a high water mark for large BMW sedans and prices might shoot up accordingly.
Oh the wheels on my car keep on turnin’
I don’t know where I’ll be tomorrow
I heard the current owner is replacing it with an Asian model that sounds identical!
Can I get it anyway I want it? Like, signed by Steve Perry complete with the complete Journey anthology? Actually, for that price, it had better come with Steve to buddy around with for at least a weekend. After all, he doesn’t have anything else going on.
Although the E38 750iL is nice, I would prefer William Shatner’s Pheaton…..
Hello everyone I’m from Dubai and I like this car , how I can get it.