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1988 BMW 325i Touring


One of the most popular automotive forbidden fruits for US car enthusiasts is the BMW E30 3 series Touring. Now over 25 years old and eligible for importation, it seems that a steady stream of these small estate cars are arriving on these shores. For E30 fans who may have given up their beloved rides years ago with the pressures of family and a changing lifestyle, this car solves many of those space needs. There was even a four-wheel drive variant available for those who may need added traction, but we have yet to come across one in the US. Imported from England last year, this right-hand drive 1988 325i Touring for sale in Florida is an original car with some tasteful modifications.

Click for more details: 1988 BMW 325i Touring on eBay

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1988 BMW M3

When M3 prices first started to shoot up a few years ago, I thought maybe it could be another bubble. With values on the rise and other M cars basking in the glow of this, it seems the days of the affordable early M car may be over. They were never cheap cars to get into in terms of a maintenance scenario. Just ask E28 owner and GCFSB staffer, Nate. However, even initial purchase costs are putting them beyond the reach of some enthusiasts. Every time I turn around, it seems that prices continue to escalate and this 1988 M3 for sale in San Francisco is no exception. This car is nearing 100,000 miles and is priced well above $40,000. Is this the new norm, or are we seeing the market peak for now?



1988 BMW 320i Touring


Paul was right that the Tourings are coming. Perhaps some owners have been holding on to them as forbidden gems and are realizing that, as the importation restrictions are lifted, they will become more and more common and are looking to cash out now. Today’s is a clean little wagon with some eccentricities among the nice choices; one sport seat/one comfort belong to the prior, the M20B25 and 5-speed conversion well in the latter. Bidding is hot, so clearly people are still more interested in finding one here than bringing it in themselves.

Click for more details: 1988 BMW 320i Touring on eBay

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1989 BMW 325is

This particular BMW 325is brings back a lot of memories for me, as it is almost identical to my first car, an Alpine White 325is. Mine was of 1988 vintage with the larger bumpers, tan leather interior and slightly smaller basketweave BBS wheels with gold centers. A great car that was, and this ’89 example for sale in Georgia has me pining for another E30. With the slimmer bumpers and nicely contrasting red leather interior, this one is a looker and a decent alternative to those who pine after an E30 M3 but are on a budget.

CLICK FOR DETAILS: 1989 BMW 325is on eBay


1986 BMW 325es M60 swap

Motor swaps are always a lot of fun, especially when someone else has done the heavy lifting. In the case of the E30 platform, it seems there is no end to the different motors that get swapped in. We’ve seen S14 retrofits into 325s, plenty of S50, S52 and even a few S54s pop up. But let’s say you really like torque. And aluminum. What’s an E30 enthusiast to do? Well, of course you could swap a M60 4.0 V8 out of the E34 540i into a 325es. In its original form, the 325es was a bit of a slowpoke good handler looking for more power. The E34 540i was a great motor toting around a fair amount of weight. Couple the two together, and Viola! You make the folks at the local tire depot quite happy. Take a look at this tuned 325:

CLICK FOR DETAILS: 1986 BMW 325es on eBay