We try not to give attention to seller’s that have poor ads for their cars, hence this one not getting written up earlier. However, as the auction winds down to the last couple hours I felt this car warrants a quick note.
The seller of this car doesn’t seem to know much about what they are selling. It is a 190E that has a 3.6 liter inline six, seller calls it a V-6, stuffed under the hood by AMG. This isn’t the only one of these out there, several folks have figured this conversion out as well as the ones that were done at the factory by AMG or by Brabus. The seller says the car has extensive documentation, but doesn’t provide any of it in the listing. The seller doesn’t even include a picture of the rear of the car for badge identification. The car does appear to have blacked out tailights to compliment the blacked out grille, which looks good.
The car has 27,000 miles and a 5 speed, which make it very attractive. Without more info though, this seller’s $35,000 ask price will never be met.
this car has a m104 conversion, maybe from a C36. not the old school AMG or Brabus conversion.