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1997 Porsche 911 Turbo

I think this 1997 Porsche 911 Turbo comes under the heading of “never judge a book by its cover” because while it’s a very lovely car from the outside it is really all about the interior. That’s the part of this one that will have appeal relative to all of the other 993TTs on the market. It’s quite clearly special order. I’ll also be quite upfront and state that I don’t like the way it has all come together. However, I’m very happy that it exists. It shows us the type of things that Porsche has made possible over the years for its more intrepid customers so even if it isn’t what I would do it might give you some ideas. I also think it’s only a couple minor tweaks from looking quite good. Let’s take a look:

CLICK FOR DETAILS: 1997 Porsche 911 Turbo on eBay

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1984 Porsche 911 Carrera Coupe with 25,440 miles

This is kind of similar to yesterday’s 911 I featured. It’s a totally different model obviously, but comes in a very similar color palette – including the somewhat frustrating monochromatic combination – and has low miles. Even lower miles in fact. So if those colors are your thing, but you’d rather have the classic 911 design rather than those of the more modernized 964 this could be worth a look. I don’t think it’s price will be quite as insane either, though we never can tell with any very-low-mileage 911. The premiums sought can be insane.

So what do we have here? A Ruby Red Metallic 1984 Porsche 911 Carrera Coupe with Burgundy leather interior and just 25,440 miles on it. 1984 served as our introduction to the 3.2 Carrera as the replacement for the 911SC. Changes were somewhat limited, especially in this first model year when the interior seating was carried over from the SC, but you did get a small bump in displacement and corresponding bump in power. As we’ve discussed a few times on our pages, your choice of 911SC or 3.2 Carrera comes down somewhat to preference between the two models, but mostly should come down to finding the best available condition in either model. Both are great; both offer stout reliability in a classic 911 package.

CLICK FOR DETAILS: 1984 Porsche 911 Carrera Coupe on eBay

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1993 Porsche 911 Carrera 2 Coupe

I never really know if I should post cars like these. The car itself I like a lot. It’s an Amethyst Metallic 1993 Porsche 911 Carrera 2 Coupe with matching interior and 40,500 miles on it. A low mileage, rare color, rear drive 964 is something I’m always on the lookout for. It’s got a few modifications – center exit exhaust from a 997 GT3, new headers, bronze/gold painted Cup wheels, upgraded suspension, and a couple other minor items – though the seller says most of the original parts come with the car. Overall it looks great. Not everyone will care for the choice in wheel color, but I think they contrast nicely with the Amethyst exterior. Regardless, wheels are easily changed.

That said, unless I’m missing something the price seems so out of line with the market that I’m not sure any serious buyer really will give it much consideration. Maybe the market changed while I wasn’t looking or maybe the seller has seen a few RoW cars with similar asking prices and figured this one should garner similar attention. I don’t know. Obviously, we can see where I landed on the decision of whether to post. I like this 911 enough and see them rarely enough that I thought it worth a closer look. But I’m not sure where we go after that.

CLICK FOR DETAILS: 1993 Porsche 911 Carrera 2 Coupe on eBay


Tuner Tuesday: 1981 Porsche 911SC Targa with 8.2 liter V8

Yes, you have read the title correctly. This 1981 Porsche 911SC Targa houses a 537 horsepower 8.2 liter V8 from a 1970 Cadillac Eldorado. A couple weeks ago I posted the Safari 911 and began that post stating, “Let’s get weird.” Little did I know just how weird things would get.

From the outside there actually isn’t too much to really distinguish this 911 from any other SC of the period. Observers might notice the extensive grill work on the boot lid, but otherwise it looks like a 911 that someone has stuffed a bunch of luggage in the back. The condition even looks quite good. If you start poking around though you’ll realize things are not quite what they seem. I imagine pulling up next to it at a stoplight would reveal a little bit as well!

This obviously isn’t a very traditional method for modifying any 911, but for the owner it was the culmination of a desire stemming from his teenage years. I’m not sure I’d ever consider such a thing myself, but as someone who does lust after some of the V8 Miatas that lurk the streets I can’t say I don’t totally understand the impulse. I’m not sure ‘unique’ even begins to describe it.

CLICK FOR DETAILS: 1981 Porsche 911SC Targa with 8.2 liter V8 on eBay


1972 Porsche 911T Coupe

So this seems…kinda reasonable. I don’t get to say that often about a long-hood 911, but this Dolomite Grey Metallic 1972 Porsche 911T Coupe sits with an asking price of just under $50K. I can’t say we’re blessed with a wealth of information about it, for instance the mileage isn’t stated at all, but it presents well, looks in good condition inside and out, and is said to run well. A PPI should clarify questions about its mechanical condition. The color isn’t original – it’s said to originally have been red – but I’m not sure that should surprise anyone given the price. All things considered this could be a nice chance at getting into a vintage 911 for a good bit less than we normally see. I think it’s certainly worth further investigation.

CLICK FOR DETAILS: 1972 Porsche 911T Coupe on eBay

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