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Tag: Audi

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1986 Audi 4000CS Quattro – REVISIT

Only a few weeks ago we witnessed a mint condition 1985 4000S quattro sell for over $12,000 – a remarkable feat. But only a few weeks before we showed that impressive condition 1985 we had an equally impressive condition 1986 model for a then staggering to contemplate $9,800. In the meantime the price has fallen slightly, first to $9,200, and now the car has appeared on Ebay. With no reserve on the auction, it looks like the seller is hoping to roll the same dice that the 1985 seller utilized. Any bets on where this lower mile, equally impressive 1986 ends up?



1986 Audi 5000CS Turbo

It’s pretty much a given that the moment I write “we haven’t seen one of these in a while”, a second appears nearly immediately. In the case of yesterday’s 5000CS quattro, these big Audis have become so rare to the market these days that it had been months since I saw a decent example for sale. Yet, like clockwork, here’s the second in two days – but with a slight twist. Few outside of the die-hard Audi fans will recall that there was a front wheel drive Audi turbo available from 1985 until 1990. Running the same power plant as yesterday’s quattro but without the all-wheel drive system, these 5000 Turbos were actually quite fun to drive on back roads, great cruisers on the highway and slightly quicker due to less weight. Despite that few chose the Turbo model as an option and it’s probably only remembered vaguely by 1980s movie fans as the car that Ferris Bueller’s dad drove.

CLICK FOR DETAILS: 1986 Audi 5000CS Turbo on eBay

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1995.5 Audi S6

If today’s 5000CS quattro Heap of the Week got your hopes up for older big Audi ownership on a budget, this S6 should get your blood flowing as well. That 5000 was going to need a lot of work to get it into shape, and in the post I suggested you could get a later 200 in better shape for less than it would cost you to resurrect that 5000. Well, here you go; an even more recent and arguably more desirable last-of-the-run 1995.5 Audi S6 in similar black over black:

CLICK FOR DETAILS: 1995.5 Audi S6 on


Heap of the Week 2: 1987 Audi 5000CS Quattro

Recently the plethora of good condition Audi Coupe GTs and 4000 quattros have drawn into sharp contrast the relative lack of 5000s that seem to come up for sale. One of our Facebook comments noted this; it’s just become very rare to see Audi 5000 quattros for sale, or indeed 5000 quattros at all! The 5000 was an interesting counterpoint to the BMW and Mercedes-Benz large sedans. It was extremely aerodynamic for the early 1980s, offered good luxury items and the awesome quattro drivetrain. For enthusiasts, it was turbocharged and ran effectively the same motor as U.S.-bound Quattro coupes and came only in a manual. The early 5000s, like the 4000 quattro, had manual engaged locking differentials for serious snow. Despite these specifications, the 5000 suffered serious depreciation following the farcical and infamous 60-minutes “Unintended Acceleration” story and few seem to have survived. Today there is a good basis for sale on Ebay, though it’ll require some work to get it back to it’s former glory:

CLICK FOR DETAILS: 1987 Audi 5000CS Quattro on eBay


1983 Audi Quattro

Plenty has been said on this page and others about the now legendary status of the original Quattro, so if you’re looking for a history lesson it won’t be here. However, what the quattro does represent is great collector value in comparison to contemporary 911s and slightly later E30 M3s; a unique car with plenty of character that took the automotive world on a different path. Quattro values have been steadily increasing over the past several years, and while they are hard to find on these shores in good condition for sale they do come up from time to time. The last 1983 Quattro we featured had lost some of its originality in favor of driveability; today’s car retains some of that originality and shows well in Tornado Red:

CLICK FOR DETAILS: 1983 Audi Quattro on eBay