Normally a Paint-to-Sample 930 would get my heart all aflutter, but this one, while indeed PTS, doesn’t quite stir my emotions quite as much. The reason should be obvious: that rare paint-to-sample color is black metallic, not exactly the most unusual choice along the spectrum. There aren’t a lot of black metallic 930s out there relative to its non-metallic black counterparts so even if the color doesn’t seem particularly rare it’s not very common either. But still, I was surprised to find out this was Paint-to-Sample.
With that bit of confusion out-of-the-way this is still a pretty nice looking 930. As those familiar will realize immediately, this is a RoW model since the 930 was not available in the US in 1983. The mileage is pretty low at 48,410 and it appears to be in excellent condition.