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What a Drag: 1980 Volkswagen Rabbit Pickup ABD 2.1 16V

Way back in time, before the proliferation of Instagram, Twitter and Facebook – indeed, before the Internet really got off its feet at all, dreams were made not with by-the-minute browser refreshes eagerly anticipating the next clever comment or picture of someone eating an avocado. If you weren’t actually traveling the automotive scene, you were totally reliant on your monthly delivery of new automobile magazines. In high school, I had at one point four different subscriptions and poured over the details of every single car that graced the pages of what was my Bible. But it was in the mid 1990s that I stumbled across a magazine that really spoke to me much more than the BMW-loving Car and Driver or the fairly vanilla Automobile; I found a copy of European Car. It was a complete revelation to me, to see the cars that not only I dreamt about but could actually afford parts for. Nearly as good, if not perhaps better, than the feature articles were the advertisements. The “Dr. Feelgood”s of the European tuner scene, companies like Techtonics Tuning and Total Audi Performance spoke to my specific needs in ways that the mainstream magazines couldn’t. And within those advertisements, one particular company became something of a legend among a small group of friends who all shared the enthusiasm for Volkswagens. That company was AutoBahn Designs, better known as ABD Racing – and what they had created was an absolute monster. In the days before the ubiquitous VR-swap for VWs, dropping a 16V into the nose of your car was about as hot as you could get. But ABD took that recipe to the next level with a custom-built 2.1 16V with massive compression and side-draft carburetors. But it was really what they put it in that set them apart, as ABD chose a Caddy for the massive build. The result, stripped out, painted up and dominating the import drag scene, still gives me goose bumps when I see it all these years later:

CLICK FOR DETAILS: 1980 Volkswagen Rabbit Pickup ABD 2.1 16V on eBay

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1988 Porsche 930 Coupe

Last week I featured a Grand Prix White 911 Turbo 3.6 and talked about how the 964 is one of the models I particularly enjoy in white. With this Grand Prix White 1988 Porsche 930 Coupe I think we see a nice contrast in the way the two models showcase that paint. For me, the 964 shows much better for reasons I probably couldn’t explain, but I think much of it comes down to the prevalence of the black trim on each model. Others may have the opposite reaction; I’ve found that a white exterior tends to do that with cars. With their respective interiors we have a much different story. I love the contrast of the Burgundy interior on this 930. It works phenomenally with the Grand Prix White exterior and is far superior to the boring Grey we saw on the 964. So with both Turbos we have a little bit of a mixed bag, at least regarding the exterior and interior colors. Returning to this 930, the mileage here is reasonable for its age, though higher than most 930s we come across. So long as it has been well maintained that shouldn’t be of too much concern and should allow for it to sell at a much more reasonable price than lower-mileage examples.

CLICK FOR DETAILS: 1988 Porsche 930 Coupe on eBay

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2002 Porsche 911 Turbo Coupe

We’ve had some discussion lately about the possibility of Porsche’s 996TT becoming popular on the collector market, which would then lead to higher prices as larger segments begin to take notice of these unloved, but extremely quick 911s. There is little doubt that the GT2 and GT3 are beginning to garner that appeal, but the Turbo remains less certain. Prices have gone up, but only marginally, and even with higher prices these remain one of the best performance bargains available. I am one that thinks these will become sought after by collectors – not to the same degree as the air-cooled Turbos, or at least not yet, but sought after nonetheless. However, as with many collector vehicles I think for the time being it will only be very low mileage and/or rare color models equipped with the X50 package that we see attract such notice. Examples with a few miles on them, like this Seal Grey 2002 Porsche 911 Turbo Coupe located in California, should still come in for reasonable cost. And that’s a very good thing as it means buyers can still get their hands on a fantastic machine that remains in good condition, but without having to mortgage the farm.

CLICK FOR DETAILS: 2002 Porsche 911 Turbo Coupe on eBay


1988 Volkswagen LT28 Westfalia

We’ve posted some interesting variations on the Volkswagen LT vans, the plus-sized Vanagons that never came to the US. From firetrucks to zombie defense vehicles to race team vans, they’re like VW’s Sprinter. Today’s LT28 model, indicating the lightest gross vehicle weight available (they went up to the LT55), is a special edition form Westfalia called the “Sven Hedin,” the Swedish world explorer. The bigger size of the LT allows for more amenities than would ever fit in a T3 like a shower, while the hightop makes standing up much more comfortable. The size and rarity are definitely the main draws here, as it’s showing some wear after its 125k miles and 28 years. The interior looks original but droopy, especially the wall-mounted cloth storage sacks. The exterior shows some cracked and possibly redone paint areas, and the incredible blue stripes have seen better days. All of the thick plastic Westfalia interior bits look great though and the turbodiesel inline-6 should be just getting into its prime, so as long as there aren’t a bunch of rust spots hiding, I think it has a lot of potential as a plus-sized camper.

Click for details: 1988 Volkswagen LT28 Westfalia on eBay

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1988 BMW 325ix Touring

For proof that automobile enthusiasts often don’t make much sense, one doesn’t need to look much farther than the E30 325ix Touring. Built on exactly the same formula as yesterday’s Passat 4Motion, while enthusiasts will look upon that car generally as an overpriced oddity, pop a clean ix Touring onto their computer screen and wallets begin to fly. Understandably, there’s a style difference between the Volkswagen/Audi products and the highly sought after E30 Touring, but honestly does this car do anything appreciably better than a S4 Avant? I can only think of one thing – it generates income for the seller:

CLICK FOR DETAILS: 1988 BMW 325ix Touring on eBay