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1982 Porsche 911SC Turbo Look

This 911 is a little bit of a curiosity. It should be of interest to particular buyers and could be a nice opportunity at a unique 911 for reasonable cost, two things that do not always go hand in hand. I’m also specifically interested in what it should cost, but we’ll get into that below.

So what is it? It’s a 1982 Porsche 911SC Coupe with all of the standard 911SC running gear, but with the body, suspension, braking, and interior of a ’88 930. That makes it similar to the M491-equipped Carreras that Porsche made available from the factory, though obviously this one was not built by the factory. An M491 911 can be a pretty expensive purchase. This one shouldn’t be and in that regard provides something different for those who would like a Turbo-look 911, but can’t stomach the high price. It’s definitely in driver level condition, but the engine and transmission have been rebuilt so hopefully it is mechanically sound.

As they say, the devil is in the details and this one definitely will require a knowledgeable person to look it over and insure all of the work was done properly. The current owner has put a decent number of miles on it so hopefully he too can help with those details. If it all checks out, then it should be a fun car.

CLICK FOR DETAILS: 1982 Porsche 911SC Turbo Look on eBay

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1965 Porsche 356C 1600 SC Coupe

A couple of weeks back I posted a Champagne Yellow 1969 911E that looked reasonably good, but definitely was in need of some work. The exterior color was a bit muted and didn’t really hint at the way it can shine. That problem is entirely solved on this 1965 Porsche 356C 1600 SC Coupe, located in New York, with Dark Green leatherette interior and a little over 61K miles on it.

This 356 has been fully restored and provides a clue as to how we could expect that 911E to look (at least on the outside) were it too to undergo a restoration. The paint shows much brighter and deeper, though it’s still a softer yellow rather than one of the very bright yellows in the Porsche catalog. The dark green interior makes for a very interesting contrast. Not only would I not normally consider green as an interior color, but I’m not sure I’d ever think to pair it with a yellow exterior. It makes for a lively combination though, which we can really see in the interior where the two colors come together along the dash. It’s definitely unusual, but also quite pretty.

CLICK FOR DETAILS: 1965 Porsche 356C 1600 SC Coupe on eBay

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1988 Porsche 911 Carrera Coupe

I will admit high prices on cars will almost always attract my attention. Or I guess I should say relatively high prices, meaning an obviously high price for that year and model. Those prices stoke my curiosity. I wonder what is so special about them that such an asking price would even be suggested. Unusual colors, interior, very low mileage? Maybe that’s part of the point. Without the very high price I might not take extra notice. After figuring why the price is so high my interest then turns to whether it might actually sell for such a price. That element of curiosity mostly is instructive rather than anything of particular interest, but it can be helpful nonetheless.

That is more or less why we are here and why I’m featuring this Cassis Red Metallic 1988 Porsche 911 Carrera Coupe with Burgundy interior. Cassis Red is a very nice color that works well on the 3.2 Carrera’s lines so I likely would have been drawn to this 911 regardless of the price. But the very high asking price caught my eye almost as quickly as the color.

So why such a high price? Because this Carrera has a mere 7,700 miles on it.

CLICK FOR DETAILS: 1988 Porsche 911 Carrera Coupe on Classic Driver


Bamboo Beige 1981 Porsche 911SC Coupe

Those that have been reading here for a while know that I like to highlight Porsche colors that we rarely see. This is especially the case when the specific color in question is one that I have never come across. Such is the case today with this 911. Here we have a Bamboo Beige 1981 Porsche 911SC Coupe, located in Los Angeles, with 92,185 miles on it and which is up for auction without reserve.

I will be the first to admit that Bamboo Beige is neither the most exciting sounding, nor the most exciting looking color in the Porsche lineup. It’s a color that we’d expect to see in the late-70s or early-80s and its very short availability from ’81-’82 serves as testament to that. I can’t say I’ve ever seen it come up as a PTS option either. Sometimes a color is rare because of a lack of interest from buyers and with a reported 50 total examples produced that may be the case with this one. The desirability of a color is a fickle thing though. Guards Red and Speed Yellow both have seemed very desirable at times while at others we almost never see them. And nearly every color has some who do truly like it. I’m sure Bamboo Beige would be no different in that regard.

CLICK FOR DETAILS: Bamboo Beige 1981 Porsche 911SC Coupe on eBay

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1986 Porsche 911 Carrera Cabriolet

I almost feel like I’ve taken a hiatus from classic 911s of late. So I shall return to them with this Guards Red 1986 Porsche 911 Carrera Cabriolet, located in Massachusetts, with 46,900 miles on it. We see Guards Red pretty frequently on the 3.2 Carrera, less so on the 964, and then even less on the 993. After that? It almost seems to disappear. We do occasionally see red Porsches still today, especially as a PTS option, but it’s certainly a color that seems much less in style than it once did.

Here in the District we’ve been mired in an interminable cloud of rain with plenty of lightning and wind thrown in for good measure. It has been the sort of rain that doesn’t even allow for the barest hint of the sun’s existence. It has me dreaming of the days when blue sky and bright sunshine will return and that has me thinking about Cabriolets again. In the meantime all we can do is plan and wait and try to stay dry.

CLICK FOR DETAILS: 1986 Porsche 911 Carrera Cabriolet on eBay

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