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Category: Mercedes Benz

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2020 Mercedes-Benz G550

We are over a year into the all-new Mercedes-Benz G-Class and to the surprise of no one, they literally can’t make enough of them to meet demand. It makes sense, as the G-Class is used as a form of currency in the state of California, both monetarily and socially, and they don’t ride like old farm trucks anymore. So as soon as a new one hits the lot, it is usually snagged up within a day or two. That I expected. What I didn’t expect is now that we are well over a year in, prices are still as crazy as ever. Let me explain.

CLICK FOR DETAILS: 2020 Mercedes-Benz G550 on eBay


1973 Mercedes-Benz 220

Two weeks ago I took a look the W114/115 coupe and explained that while not the pinnacle of Mercedes-Benz at the time, they still had their place at the time as being a fashionable vehicle with above average quality. The same can be said about the sedan compared to the W108/109, but it seems these even take a further back seat given the next generation that went on to become on of the greatest cars of all time, the W123. Still, these little sedans have their place and can be had for not much money at all, just like today’s example, a 1972 220 up for sale in New York. It isn’t a prime example by any means, but still has a good look on a very tight budget.

CLICK FOR DETAILS: 1973 Mercedes-Benz 220 on eBay


2005 Mercedes-Benz G500

From time to time I look at cars that you should never buy and feature them more as a warning, rather than something you might consider. Today is something similar, but has to do with the circumstances of this specific vehicle rather than a flaw or problem with the model. Where am I going with this?

Well, this 2005 Mercedes-Benz G500 up for sale in Virginia shows a little under 55,000 miles. Looking at the Carfax, it had 33,000 miles in 2007 then was promptly exported to Finland. In came back to the US in 2018 with 50,250 miles. Why is that a problem? Don’t ever, for any reason, ever, no matter what, no matter where, or who, or who you are with, or where you are going, or where you’ve been, ever, for any reason whatsoever consider buying a vehicle that was exported to Finland then re-imported back to the US. Buckle up, this one is a good read.

CLICK FOR DETAILS: 2005 Mercedes-Benz G500 at Cars Plus VA

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1993 Mercedes-Benz 600SEL

Last week I looked at a really exceptional 1997 Mercedes-Benz S500 that looks to have found a new owner at right under $15,000. Probably a fair price for both parties, and I doubt it will lose much as long as the condition stays close to what it is now. Naturally, that got me looking around at other W140s, and wouldn’t you a 1993 600SEL popped up finished in the rare Nautical Blue Metallic. Granted, any color on a W140 that isn’t black, silver, or white is rare, but this one really seems to pop. Match that with the Palomino interior, and this one is well into “classic” status.

CLICK FOR DETAILS: 1993 Mercedes-Benz 600SEL on eBay


1997 Mercedes-Benz S500

Ever hear the saying “Buy the seller, not the car”? I know that might be difficult sometimes given the circumstances of this hobby we indulge in, but I can get on board with it. Sometimes you think you’ve found the right car, then you show up and it has an empty french fry box from McDonalds with a coupon for a free ice cream cone that expired in 2003. You try to look past it, but you know maybe this wasn’t the most well looked after example that is out there. Then on that rare occasion, you’ll bump into an owner that is absolutely fanatic about their car and suddenly everything makes sense in the world. Today, we have one of those owners.

This 1997 Mercedes-Benz S500 up for sale in New York has everything. All the maintenance done, all the service records, low miles, photos that show every angle, the window sticker, everything. This person loves their car and actually took more than two seconds to make the ad to sell it. Walk me with in this rare moment where you can actually enjoy seeing a for sale ad.

CLICK FOR DETAILS: 1997 Mercedes-Benz S500 on eBay